Conversion of Number System:
Binary conversion:
Binary to decimal: Converting binary radix to decimal radix Example (100.01)r2 à( )r10 = (1x10*2)+(0x10*1)+(0x10*0)+.+(0x10*-1)+(1x10*-2) = 100 + 0 + 0 + . + 0 + 0.01 =(100.01)r10 |
Binary to Octal: Converting binary radix to Octal radix Example (10101101.0111)r2 à ()r8 Add 0 to make 3 Add 0 to make 3 bit bit l l
Binary to Hexadecimal: Converting binary radix to Hexadecimal radix Example (1101101110.1001101)r2 à ()r16 Add 0 to make 4 Add 0 to make 4 bit bit l l
Octal conversion:
Octal to binary: Converting octal radix to binary radix. Example: (125.62)r8 à ( )r2
l___l 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 . 1 1 0 0 1 0 l remove the extra zeros
Octal to Hexadecimal: Converting Octalradix to Hexadecimal radix. Example: (615.25)r8 à ( )16 Step 1: convert the octal to binary first Step 2: again convet the binary to Hexadecimal.
Octal to decimal Converting octal radix to decimal radix. Example: (623)r8 à ( )r10 =(6x8*2)+(2x8)+3 =(403)r10 |
Hexadecimal conversion:
Hexadecimal to binary: Converting Hexadecimal radix to binary radix Example (549.B4)r16 à ()r2
Trailing zeros (10101001001.101101)r2 |
Hexadecimal to decimal: Converting Hexadecimal radix to decimalradix Example: (A23)r16 à ()r10 (Ax16*2)+(2x16)+(3) = (291)r10
Hexadecimal to Octal: Converting Hexadecimal radix to Octal radix. Example: Step 1: convert the hexadecimal to binary Step 2: then convert to octal
*adding extra zeros to make it 3 bit |
Decimal conversion:
Decimal to binary: Converting decimal radix to binary radix. Example: (12.125)r16 à ( )r2 12 / 2 = 6 0 6 / 2 = 3 0 *- Quotient 3 / 2 = 1 1 *- Remainder 1 / 2 = 0 1 Answer 1100 (*move the remainder in upward direction to get a correct answer) |
Decimal to octal: Converting decimal radix to octal radix. Example: (658.825)r16 à ( )r8 658 / 8 = 82 2 82 / 8 = 10 2 *- Quotient 10 / 8 = 1 2 *- Remainder 1 / 8 = 0 1 Answer 1222 (*move the remainder in upward direction to get a correct answer) |
Decimal to Hexadecimal: Converting decimal radix tohexadecimal radix. Example: (5386.345)r10 à ( )r16 5386 / 16 = 336 10 336 / 16 = 21 0 *- Quotient 21 / 16 = 1 5 *- Remainder 1 / 16 = 0 1 Answer 150A (*move the remainder in upward direction to get a correct answer) |
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